Other Attractions At Arizona Boardwalk

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Homeschools are Welcome!

Butterfly Wonderland field trips aren’t just for traditional schools. We not only welcome homeschool groups, but we have specific dates just for these special tours. These dates are flexibly structured and designed for homeschool families to learn together while exploring our exhibits without the large crowds typically associated with traditional school field trips. Butterfly Wonderland is open to the public on these days; however, no typical classroom-based field trips are booked on these days. We believe homeschools benefit from the educational aspects of Butterfly Wonderland in an atmosphere that also affords small groups an opportunity to socialize and interactive with one another.

Homeschool groups of at least 10 people receive a special discounted admission price — $8 per student (ages two and under are free) and $12 per adult, plus tax. Tours are typically between one and a half to two hours and can be scheduled at the following times: 9 a.m., 10 a.m., 11 a.m., Noon, 1 p.m., 2 p.m. or 3 p.m.

To schedule a tour or receive more details, contact our education department at 480-800-3000, ext. 207 or email adriane@butterflywonderland.com.